Friday, February 1, 2013


We have Kervens' passport!  It has his cute little mug shot on it, and we are so excited!  I just got back from another visit with him, and it was a great time!  Hopefully, that is the LAST TIME I have to fly home without him!!!  Amen and AMEN!

Here are some pictures from my trip.  My mom went with me, so Kervens got some extra love this week.  We had a wonderful week at the hotel.  Lots of eating, playing, napping, watching "monkey" (curious george), playing with friends, doing laps around the pool on his riding toy, eating, reading books, eating, shooting hoops, and did I mention eating?  We stayed with Jewely and her sons, Diego and Tay.  They all had a blast playing together!

What a gorgeous boy!

He loved his water gun!

After taking a few pictures, he would resort to this cheesy smile.

Kervens and Diego became big buddies this week

Linnie was a help to all of us this week!
Diego especially loved the ipad games - learning shapes and sounds.

Jewely and her crazy boy, Tay.  He has so much personality!