Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Kervens!

I am so sorry that I can't be with you today.

To hold you.

To tickle you.

To see you smile.

To tell you how much you mean to us.

To tell you that you are special.

To tell you that you are not just another child in an orphanage somewhere.

You were knit into our hearts 7 months ago.

Our lives will never be the same.

For some STRANGE reason our Heavenly Father thinks you should be in Haiti for a little while longer.

Hold on buddy!

I wish I could be there.

To throw you a party.

To watch you eat cake.

To watch your eyes dance at the sight of the balloons.

I wish I could kiss your chocolate face.

I promise you...when we have you in our arms for good, we will throw some serious parties to make up for the ones we missed!

My heart aches at the thought of it just being "another day at the orphanage".

Will anyone celebrate you?

Will anyone tell you how precious you are?

You have changed our lives and we really don't even know you.

Who are you?

What will you become?

How will you impact the world?

Will you love Jesus with all of your heart?

Will you be ok with the fact that we adopted you and brought you to this strange country?

Happy 2nd Birthday little fella.

We love you.

From way over here.

We love you so much!

Hang in there!

We're coming!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Maison Video

Here is a video that I made from our last trip to Maison.  I wasn't sure what to do with the video, so I decided to post it here.  I love this video, and Eddy and I watch it before going to sleep almost every night.  We love the song.  We love seeing the kids.  It  makes us miss our boy!  We get to see him in one month!  June 11th.  More on that trip in the future.  But for now... the video.

Easter Blessings

I sure hope there will be a precious black face added to our Easter pictures next year!

We are getting word that the adoption paperwork is moving quickly through the courts in Haiti.  That is, it is moving quicker than it did "pre-earthquake".  So, that is good news.

I was getting my hopes up that we might have a shot at getting Kervens home by Christmas.  That has been our prayer from the very beginning.  But, after talking to the "powers at be", that know a heck of a lot more than I do about Haitian adoptions, I realize that is probably not going to happen.  

But I can pray, right?  

Well, I'm gonna.  

Our dossier gets sent to Haiti in about two weeks.  Then, and only then, does the clock begin to tick.  "Pre-earthquake", they were saying about two years before you bring your child home.  UUGH!  

Now, "post-earthquake", we are hoping for the timeframe to be shaved down to a year.  We hope.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

Drum Roll, Please....

Well, we got an email from the President of the orphanage early this morning (Monday).  It said the following..."We would like to set up a time to talk with you and Carlee over the phone.  We have some news concerning Kervens."

Of course, my heart sank.  This does not sound good.  It was noon and our scheduled phone conversation was not until 3:00 PM.  UUGH!

I began to get angry.  I knew what was coming.  I just knew they were going to tell us that his birthfather had changed his mind.  I began questioning God and wondering why He did not want Kervens in our family.  It just seems so right.  But if I am learning anything as I read through the Bible (I am only in Leviticus), it is this...GOD DOES NOT MAKE SENSE TO ME ALL THE TIME.  No, let me rephrase that.  He does not make sense to me ALOT of the time as I am reading through scripture.  He just does crazy things that I can't wrap my mind around.

But that is why HE is GOD.  His ways are higher than my ways.  His thoughts are higher than my thoughts.  And that is a darn good thing!  =)

But, I'll be honest, I was not a happy camper from 12-3:00 PM.  I was short with the kids.  Short with Eddy.  Mad.  Mad.  Mad.

So, 3:00 PM comes.  Pierre and Kim get on the phone and begin to explain that Kervens' birthfather is asking for the freedom to contact us and/or visit Kervens if he (the birthfather) ever comes to the states.

What?  That's it?  Has he signed the paper yet?


We could not believe our ears!!

All the birthfather is asking for is the freedom to come see Kervens "some day"... if he ever comes to the United States.

So, Kim and Pierre had to run that by us to make sure that was ok with us.  Which, of course was ok with us!  (Sure wish they had given us a heads up on it being GOOD news they had to discuss with us - instead of scaring me to death!)

But we are thrilled!  He signed!  He is agreeable to us adopting Kervens.  (Let's pray that it stays that way until we get through the court proceedings in Haiti).

So, we are moving forward.  Our documents are getting translated this week, and then our papers get sent to the consulate in Miami.  Then, off to Haiti they go!