Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Kervens Update

Here is the latest update on Kervens. We have been waiting for months now for his birthfather to come into the US Embassy and sign some paperwork and answer some questions.  He did not show up for the first meeting, so they had to reschedule.  Well, his appointment was today and he DID show up.  He was late, and the orphanage adoption handler (Angie) was afraid they would not let him in, which would have been disastrous!  However, they did allow him to go in later in the day and get the paperwork signed.  Which is cause for a big celebration!

But... of course there is a BIG B.U.T.

But, as is some rare cases, the Embassy will decide they need more proof that this man is who he says he is...and that he is truly the father of this child he is signing for.  And of course, that would be our case.  RARE indeed.  So, this means his birthfather must come in YET AGAIN for a DNA test.  And unfortunately, DNA tests over in Haiti can be pretty bogus.  Meaning, they can come back false negative many times.  We have no idea what this really means for us and for Kervens.  Obviously, it means more time that he must spend in Haiti...apart from us.

And just when I want to throw my hands up and scream, "Forget it!  I am out Lord!  I can't do this any more!"  I hear the Lord reminding me, "I asked you to fight for this child.  THIS child.  For a reason.  This is all a lot bigger than just Kervens getting to YOUR house.  Do you not trust me to take care of him over there?  I am in control, Carlee.  I AM."

I am trying to trust, but this is so dang hard.  I remember a quote from Mary Beth Chapman's book Choosing To See that said, "He has asked us to do hard."  Well, I can relate to that.  He has asked me to do hard.  (Although I am not saying that my situation is NEARLY as hard as hers - your adopted 6 year old child getting run over and killed by your older son.)

But no doubt, this is H.A.R.D.  We know this boy.  We love this boy.  He knows us.  He lights up with joy around us.  Every day hurts.  Some days more than others.  This happens to be a particularly painful one.

When I think of the MINIMUM of a YEAR timeframe that we have left to get Kervens, I just shake my head in disbelief.  I really don't think I can do this.  But then again, He must think I can.


Naomi said...

This is so frustrating! Hopefully he will keep his DNA appointment. It's not an easy road for sure, but I know it will be well worth it.

Anonymous said...

the Lord is with you. He can do it.

jennilynnw said...

Thanks for sharing. Will continue to pray for you all and Kervens. So glad to hear his BF attended the Embassy appointment. I pray the next one will go smoothly. He has chosen you all for Kervens and Kervens for you. I will send you more pictures in January.